These five actions can help you create and implement rituals that improve engagement and motivation.
A Deep Sleep Clears the Mind at Night Like a Dishwasher Cleaning
A good night’s sleep clears your mind, suggests new research, like turning on a dishwasher before you go to bed and waking up with a clean brain. The international team of scientists describes the process as washing away waste that builds up in the brain during waking hours. Their findings also offer insights into how […]
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Early Stress Alters Sperm DNA, Impacting Offspring’s Brain Development
Childhood stress may leave lasting marks on sperm, altering epigenetic profiles and potentially influencing brain development in offspring. Researchers found that men with high levels […]
How Brains Filter Sensory Noise to Make Better Decisions
A new study reveals how electrical synapses help animals, including worms, filter sensory inputs and make context-appropriate decisions. Researchers found that these synapses, mediated by […]